Sacred Healing
Wild Crafting with AURORA
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Debarking and Sanding
Varnishing and Decorating
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Setting our Intentions into the collected Rocks
Decorating of Rocks
Hiding of Rocks on Community pathway (Giving to Others)
Identifying Plants that can be used in Smudge bundles
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Preparation of Smudge bundles
Distribution of Smudge bundles to Elders (Service above Self)
Identifying Materials that can be used in Smudge Fans
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Preparation of Smudge Fans
Prayers for Protection
Grounding Meditation while Hide soaks in water
Setting our Intentions into the materials
Threading the Drum using the teachings of the Medicine Wheel
Learning Basic Chants and Folk Songs to Drum to
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Soaking the Willow in water to make it flexible for stretching
Weaving the Dream Catcher
Decorating the Dream Catcher
Prayers for Protection
Cutting of the Hide according to the pattern
Sewing the Hide into a Bag
Earthing Meditation to determine what to put into the bag
Prayers for Protection
Either made of Birch bark or woven Grass
Earthing Meditation before Collection
Preparation of materials for the basket
Construction of the basket
Knowledge Keeper will discuss how the colors for the skirt are determined and the symbolism of the Skirt
Grounding Meditation before starting
Cutting the material and ribbon according to the pattern
Sewing the Ribbon Skirt
Prayers for Protection
Ignite the Fire and prepare Coals for cooking
Sampling and learning how to prepare nutritious meals on fire
Make Bannock on a stick, fried and baked in the fire
Prepare different Meals to share with the Group